
Thirteen Chicks of White-Shouldered Ibis Recorded in 2022-2023 Breeding Season

In the 2022-2023 breeding season of the white-shouldered ibis, a total of 13 nests, of which 8 were successfully hatched with 13 chicks, were recorded at Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary (LWS).

This good news was resulted from the efforts of NatureLife Cambodia in collaboration with LWS rangers and local communities in finding and protecting this critically endangered species’ nest.

According to the NatureLife Cambodia’s news release on Sunday, the number of nests in this breeding season has increased compared to the breeding season in the last 5 seasons, which is a good sign for LWS to support the life and reproduction of this species.

However, it added, the number of failed nests is still on the concerning scale. Most of the factors that lead to failure are unknown and some are found to be disrupted by human activities that forced the birds to abandon their nests. Disturbance from other predators such as crows, kites, and hawks are also a major cause of nest failure

NatureLife Cambodia is collaborating with rangers in doing protection patrols and increasing the number of awareness-raising activities to enhance the participation of local people to protect this endangered species in Cambodia, said the same source, thanking Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund and BirdLife-Vangard for supporting this conservation activity.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP)