

PUTRAJAYA, The Cabinet Committee on Combating Drug Abuse (JKMD) has outlined three key objectives in an effort to create a ‘game changer’ for a more comprehensive and effective fight against the dadah scourge.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who is also JKMD chairman, said the three objectives were stamping out drug smuggling and distribution, widening access to treatment and rehabilitation, and enhancing the ability to curb the dangers of dadah.

Under the objective of combating drug smuggling and trafficking, Ahmad Zahid said ‘rat trails’ and illegal jetties used by smugglers in Perlis, Kelantan and Kedah would be eradicated to prevent the entry of illicit drugs into the country.

“Apart from this, tighter controls need to be implemented by amending the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 to provide for heavier punishment on dadah distribution and possession,” he said in a statement issued in conjunction with the JKMD Meeting No 2 Year 2023.

Ahmad Zahid said the government would also give serious attention to strengthening the Narcotics Crime Investigation Department (JSJN) of the Royal Malaysia Police to ensure JSJN can combat drug trafficking more systematically and comprehensively.

On the aspect of easy supply of drugs online, he said the government was studying the need to come up with legal provisions to regulate all e-commerce platforms to prevent the sale and distribution of dadah via online applications.

Regarding the target of widening access to treatment and rehabilitation, Ahmad Zahid said two major aspects – amendments to the Drug Addicts (Treatment and Rehabilitation) Act 1983 and amendments to the schedule of the Registration of Criminals and Undesirable Persons Act 1969 (Act 7) – should be given attention.

“If this access can be widened, efforts to divert drug abusers under the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 to treatment and rehabilitation as well as to treat and rehabilitate abusers of substances like ketum and gum can be implemented.

“These efforts can indirectly reduce the stigma and impact of imprisonment on drug and substance abusers,” he added.

On the aim of enhancing society’s ability to curb the dangers of drugs, Ahmad Zahid said a strategic plan and comprehensive communication would be provided by the government to increase the involvement of the community and non-governmental organisations in the fight against drug abuse.

“The incorporation of quick action ability by society is seen as capable of giving early prevention on the dangers of drugs by educating risk groups to protect themselves from the snares of the dadah scourge,” he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency