
UNDP Supports Cambodia’s Nursery Stations

The United National Development Programme (UNDP) in Cambodia supports the expansion of the Ministry of Environment’s initiative to develop regional nursery stations in Cambodia.

Minister of Environment H.E. Dr. Eang Sophalleth and UNDP Resident Representative Ms. Alissa Chaker signed the cooperation on July 17 at the ministry.

The deal will support the establishment of five regional tree nurseries in the provinces of Koh Kong, Kampong Speu, Siem Reap, Thbong Khmum, and Mondulkiri.

Ms. Alissa Chaker sees the cooperation as a long-term strategy to promote Cambodia’s carbon neutrality and the country’s goal of achieving 60 percent forest cover by 2050.

H.E. Dr. Eang Sophalleth thanked the UNDP, development partners, and all stakeholders for their support for the initiative.

He believes that the establishment of nurseries will contribute essentially to biodiversity conservation in the fight against the emerging threats of climate change.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse