
Unionized workers at Samsung Electronics say to stage full-scale strike

Unionized workers of Samsung Electronics Co. said Monday they will stage a general strike as their negotiations with the management over wages and working conditions fell through.

The National Samsung Electronics Union (NSEU), the biggest labor union with 28,000 members, declared the strike went into immediate effect.

“We will fight with a full strike, without pay and without work, until our demands are met,” said Son Woo-mok, president of the NSEU.

Since January, the two sides have held several rounds of talks, but have been unable to narrow their differences over the wage increase rate, vacation system and bonuses.

The union has demanded a one-day vacation for all employees and fair compensation for its members who did not sign the 2024 salary negotiation agreement.

In June, unionized workers at Samsung Electronics went on a one-day strike, marking the first labor walkout at the company.

Source: Yonhap News Agency