

KUALA LUMPUR, The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM) is actively engaging stakeholders to identify target groups for the implementation of targeted subsidies.

Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu said this initiative mainly involves industry players from the agriculture, livestock, fisheries and agricultural services sectors under the ministry.

He also said that thorough research was needed to ensure that subsidies reach deserving recipients and thus ensure efficient government spending.

‘KPKM always supports the government’s efforts to implement targeted subsidies,’ he said in a Facebook post today.

In the same post, Mohamad mentioned that he attended the Subsidy Control Scheme 2.0 online meeting with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living in Wisma Tani, Putrajaya, today.

On Jan 2, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim launched the Central Database Hub (PADU) system to ensure fairer subsidy distribution and prevent leakage.

The intr
oduction of the system was in line with the country’s digital transformation approach, ensuring that government facilities are enjoyed by rightful recipients.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency